I was watching a Top Gear episode quite recently where the guest star was Sienna Miller. Well Jeremy Clarkson was impressed. She is rather peng by any standards. Do you remember seeing her in "Layer Cake" with Daniel Craig? It's rather provocative. Speaking of Top Gear, why do Dave play all their old episodes back to back day after day? The same old episodes. They can be entertaining though. A program that somebody told me to watch is "the only way is Essex" which I didn't think I would like, but it's OK. That aside, I am pleased that Munster are top of the League; and by a comfortable margin.
As a lot of my family are from Limerick, Ireland; I am going to leave you with an amusing limerick.
There Once was a Man called Reg
Who Went with a Girl in a Hedge
Along came his wife
With a big Carving Knife
And cut off his meat and two veg
I hope everyone enjoys the coming week.
Love from Goobs.
Leinster will somehow return..! :'(