As you can see, I am finding it hard to create blog puns now. I have used up most of the best ones, so now I am trying my best to find new ones, but it's not easy. Today was a nice day (despite being in school) because we got to come in our own sports wear, which is comfortable of course. The reason being because we had to participate in "Lenten sports" for charity. At least the weather was nice then. On the contrary, I was told by a member of staff today that the only days to have "off" this Easter are Good Friday and Easter Sunday due to revision. Like that's going to happen ;) I should do that though. This part of the blog is very much focused on school life. If your not a member of my school than it may be irrelevant, but read on.
I was asked by a girl what "my favourite hair type was on a girl." Eager not to offend her (as she was a brunette) and be diplomatic, I said I like all three colours: blonde, brown and red. However I have noticed that red headed girls are generally attractive, possibly because you don't see too many around. I don't have a favourite type in truth. She then asked about chat up lines, and I said they are a bit cheesy. However, one I heard recently is quite amusing: "Is that a ladder on your tights love? Because it looks like a stairway to heaven." When asked these probing questions, I don't know what the "right" answers are really. Clearly, because I never saw her again.
Now I am going to give you a joke and a limerick for the day because some people said it's a good idea. Don't worry, I won't make it to regular, but it's a novelty at the moment.
Why does a squirrle swim on its back?
To keep its nuts dry.
There once was a man from kanass
Who's nuts were made out of brass
in stormy weather
he'd clack them together
and lightning shot out of his ass
Laughing out loud? If not, you don't have to read any more because I am finished. Have a good week everyone.
Love from Goobs.
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